Trojan's System for Apprentices and Trainees (See PDF document attached)

Rights and Obligations of all parties to an Apprenticeship / Traineeship:

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd as the Group Training Organisation (GTO)

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd is a Group Training Organisation (GTO).

A GTO employs apprentices and trainees, and then places them in host businesses where they work as part of that business.

A GTO can offer apprentices and trainees opportunities to work with different host employers that will allow them to experience different work environments, as well as new ideas and approaches.

Responsibilities of Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd as a GTO includes:

  • Maintaining the employment and pay for an apprentice or traineefor the term of the contract

  • Ensuring that every apprentice and trainee is working in a safe and healthy work environment

  • Coordinating the training undertaken with the RTO

  • Providing support to apprentices / trainees and host employers as both parties progress through the apprenticeship or traineeship

  • Ensure that apprentice / trainee employment is maintained for as long as possible during a stand-down

  • Ensure that we have clearly understood grievance procedures

  • Ensure we are compliant with all regulations and legislation

  • Comply with the wages and conditions stipulated in the industrial award or agreement

  • Ensure that the Training Contract is submitted to the State training authority via the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider (AASN) within the required timeframe

Registered Training Organisation(RTO)

The Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will deliver and assess the apprentice / trainee qualifications. Regardless of the RTO, the final qualification will be the same and nationally recognised. Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd can advise on the selection of the right RTO.

  • Responsibilities of the RTO includes:

  • Developing a training plan which will allow the apprentice / trainee to complete their qualification

  • Ensuring the apprentice / trainee receives the on-the-job training needed to complete the training plan

  • Providing the host employer with information about what tasks they must undertake on-the-job to practice their skills

  • Assessing skills against their progress and signing off units of competency as they are completed

  • Monitoring apprentice / trainee progress and providing additional support where required

  • Ensure that grievance procedures have been clearly understood

Host Employer

Apprentices / trainees are placed with the Host Employer’s business to carry out daily work and fulfil the requirements of the Training Plan.

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd is the employer and is therefore responsible for recruiting and placing the apprentice / trainee with the Host Employer.

An apprentice / trainee may have one host employer for their entire apprenticeship or traineeship, or maybe moved between host employers.

Host employers have a number of responsibilities, including:

  • Providing a workplace health and safety compliant environment

  • Ensure that apprentice / trainee understands their job responsibilities and what is expected from them through a detailed on-site induction

  • Ensure that apprentice / trainee gains the work experience throughout each stage of their qualification

  • Providing the apprentice / trainee opportunities with time off to undertake off-the-job training with their RTO

  • Signing off on apprentice / trainee competence when they have demonstrated it

  • Provide supervision of apprentices / trainees by an authorised person who is experienced and licenced (if required) tocarry out the work upon which the apprentice or trainee is engaged

  • Maintain day to day support, discipline and care

  • Immediately notify Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd of any injury, harm or disease suffered by apprentice or trainee during the course of their employment

  • Advise Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd of apprentice / trainee site details and supervisor details

  • Approve timesheets of hours worked and approved leave

  • Immediately notify Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd of any breach of employment conditions, as well as any performance or attendance concerns

  • Commit to the full duration of the traineeship placement

Host Employers can hand the apprentice or trainee back to Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd, giving 2 weeks’ notice of their intention. If an apprentice or trainee is handed back, then Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd will work with the apprentice / trainee to source a replacement host employer.

Apprentice or trainee

The apprentice / trainee enters into an agreement between:

  • Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd (employer and GTO)

  • The RTO (training provider)

  • The state government (who approve the training contract)

The difference between apprenticeships and traineeships is minor and is usually based on whether they are learning a trade or whether they are learning more generic workplace skills. Apprenticeships are also usually longer than traineeships. For example, a trade such as carpentry will be an apprenticeship, and a business qualification will be a traineeship.

 As an apprentice or trainee has a number of responsibilities, including:

  • Undertaking off-the-job training as detailed in the training plan

  • Completing assessment tasks as detailed in the training plan

  • Asking for assistance when needed

  • Attending work as scheduled and following the lawful and reasonable instructions of the employer and host employer

  • Arriving on site fully equipped with PPE and uniform as required

  • Adhering to training plan issued by the nominated RTO

  • PassallsectionsofthenominatedRTOcoursetoobtaintheirCertificateofProficiency

  • Following the Host Employer’s directions and lawful instructions

  • Maintaining open communication with both Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd and the Host Employer

  • Completing and forwarding authorised timesheets for each pay period

  • Complying with Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd and host policies and procedures

  • Reporting any injuries immediately to Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd

Recruitment of apprentices and trainees

What are we looking for in an apprentice / trainee?

 Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd is looking for the best people who have the following characteristics;

  • Reliability–they do what they say they will do

  • Desire to Learn– they listen and are they keen to learn

  • Commitment– they know that the apprenticeship / traineeship will take time and effort

  • Teamwork– they know that it takes team work to make the dream work. They are not just aware of their own job, they know they are part of a team, company and industry.

  • Attention to Detail– they have a detailed approach to work and consider their actions they take beforehand.

  • Dedication– they are willing to go the extra mile and earn their position.

When applying for an apprentice / trainee job with Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd, the above criteria will be used for evaluation.

Screening and interview

  • All applications for apprentice / trainee jobs are screened to ensure they match the required characteristics.

  • Incomplete applications may be contacted for further information.

  • Only applications that match the required characteristics will progress in the recruitment and selection process.

  • Screened applicants will be contacted by phone for further discussion, focusing on their aspirations, skills and interests

  • Suitable applicants will be invited to attend an interview with a Trojan representative where they will be evaluated compared to the selection criteria. The applicant will also have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more.

  • The results of the interview will be documented by the Trojan representative

  • Applicants who pass the screening and interview stage will progress to the next stage of the process.

Language, literacy and numeracy testing

It is important to ensure that all apprentices / trainees have the required level of literacy and numeracy in order to function in their role.

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd test reading and math skills before an apprentice / trainee commences employment in an online test to determine suitability to move to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Other tests, for example psychometrics and mechanical aptitude

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd also use psychometrics and mechanical aptitude tests to determine suitability for an apprentice / trainee.

Mechanical aptitude tests are used to determine how effectively an apprentice / trainee understands machinery and mechanical processes, e.g. the mechanisms which make up a bicycle (chain, gears, pedals, wheels, etc.). This can help evaluate reasoning and problem solving ability.

Psychometric tests are undertaken to determine how an apprentice / trainee thinks, as well as their communication style, attitudes to work and how they may operate in a team environment. When testing an apprentice / trainee they are provided with an explanation for the testing and exactly what to do.

Physical capability and drug testing

Apprentice / trainee jobs will most often require a level of physical capability in terms of free movement as well as hand/eye coordination. To ensure that any potential issues are identified beforehand, a pre-employment medical check may be required for some jobs and some host employer sites.

Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd have a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol and drug use. An apprentice / trainee will be required to undertake drug tests. If an apprentice / trainee is unwilling to take a drug / alcohol test, they will not be able to move forward with the recruitment process.

Reference checks

Reference checks are performed as a final evaluation following the testing phase of the recruitment process. Permitted references include former managers or supervisors with previous employment, teachers or careers counsellors from school, coaches or trainers from sporting activities, character references from family friends or members of the community. Family membersare not acceptable as a reference.

Pre-recruitment information

If a candidate for an apprentice / trainee job is successful at the end of the recruitment process, they will be provided with all relevant information so they can make an informed decision in accepting our offer of employment, including;

  • Contract of employment detailing all terms and conditions

  • Position description

  • Candidate handbook outlining their rights and responsibilities and providing an overview of what they can expect while working with Trojan Group Training Pty Ltd

Candidates will have a final opportunity to ask questions with their Trojan Representative. They will also be asked to sign a checklist document acknowledging that they have received the required information. If a candidate does not believe that they have all the right information, they should not sign their employment contract.

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