We recruit for
Why work with Trojan?
At Trojan, we pride ourselves on matching job seekers to the right jobs. If you’re not placed immediately into a role, we’ll add you to our database for future assignments.
We also genuinely care about our people and have a strong commitment to send them home safely. We want all employees’ experience with Trojan to be rewarding and safe. So, we only work with clients who are wholly committed to work, health and safety and ensure that our staff receive the right induction, training, and equipment.
Our specialisations
Building & Construction
Trades & Labour
Manufacturing & Industrial
Mining & Energy
Transport, Warehousing & Logistics
How can we help you
Finding the perfect role can be time consuming and stressful. Here are some of the ways that your Trojan consultant can add value to your job search and keep you one step ahead of other job seekers.

We offer ongoing work
Once you’re on our database, you’ll be considered when assignments arise

We won’t charge fees
You needn’t worry about paying for our services as employers cover all fees

We’ll help you negotiate
Most people don’t change jobs often enough to be confident in how to do this

We’re experts in our field
Which means we can give you access to market insights and industry leading research

We’ll help you prepare
We know your interviewers, their company and what they are looking for

We’ll represent you
We’ll help your resume cut through the clutter, and sell your skills and experience

More opportunities
We can notify you about jobs which may not be formally advertised to the market

We’ll do the legwork
Once you’ve registered, we’ll contact you with suitable positions, saving you time