Project-based businesses, companies that experience seasonal swells, or firms that need to upsize or downsize at short notice, benefit significantly from a temporary workforce.
However, the demand for temporary staff is high. And time constraints, lack of recruiting knowledge and inability to get in front of the best candidates can hinder outcomes.
Trojan Recruitment Group specialises in labour hire, helping businesses source qualified and experienced people at short notice.
Our enormous national database of ready-to-work candidates allows us to efficiently service your requirements in the locations we work in (and often in places we don’t). All Trojan workers meet a high standard of mandatory competencies, have undergone safety and background checks, and partake in a comprehensive induction to ensure compliance.
We also make it our business to care about your business. We’re aware of critical skills shortages in the industry and the complexities around the legislation and regulations that affect how you work. This deep understanding means we know what you need and can tailor our service offerings.
Our Industries
Our consultants specialise by industry, so they know exactly who you are looking for.
Why Trojan for labour hire?
Trojan provides fast, responsive support across a range of specialised industries. We also have a pool of ready-to-work, skilled and unskilled candidates who are available around the clock. Here are just a few reasons to choose us when it comes your labour hire recruitment needs.

Extensive database
We’ve built a huge database of candidates, so we can provide reliable workers at short notice

Safety culture
Safety underpins everything we do and working safely is a condition of employment

Competitive rates
We offer competitive hourly rates, which includes wages, allowances and on costs

24/7 support
We’re available around the clock so that you can hire on demand

Skills assessments
We engage in rigorous testing and assessments to ensure candidate suitability

We can guarantee compliance via police clearance, drug screening, qualification validation & more

Client-specific induction
We tailor our inductions to suit your business so that new workers arrive job-ready

Customised Reporting
Our systems enable accurate tracking and reporting of KPIs, and our reporting dashboards can be tailored to your needs
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Are you looking to hire or improve your internal processes? Tell us what you need
Whether you’re looking for labour-hire, contract or permanent employees, consulting services or outsourced solutions, we’ll come up with a tailored plan that makes sense for your organisation and budget.
Note: We do not accept job applications through this form. If you're a job seeker, visit the Job Seeker page, search for jobs or register with us to sign up for job alerts.
Need to fill a role fast? Let us know who you’re looking for and we’ll get to work right away.